Monitoring Systems

NetController - Terminal Active Monitoring System

NetController - Terminal Active Monitoring System

NetController was developed for the visualization, administration and monitoring of capture - transactions terminals, such as cash dispensers, self-service terminals, etc. It gives the possibility to have predefined the corrective actions to take in case of incidents and its influence. This way criteria differences are avoided when operators are taking decisions and the process leads to the best decision.

On the other hand it allows the net operator to monitorize the state of this systems in a very easy and practical way, so it grows not only the net's productivity, but also the one of the staff. Through its graphic interface it's possible to configure views and alerts, and also to generate reports with the necesary information for acting in a quick and pro-active way in order to avoid the costs caused by the service interruptions.

NetController through Plug-in allows to add other features such as:

  • Money Charge Control and Prediction Module.
  • Net Operation Module.
  • Service Level Agreements (SLA) Module.
  • Electronic Journal Capture and Administration Module.
  • ATMs Publicity Module.

SYSASAP de Uruguay se adjudica el Proyecto de Facturación Electrónica con BSE.


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