Billetera virtual
Las billeteras virtuales permiten ofrecer la posibilidad de procesar dinero electrónico. Son instrumentos que bajan el uso del efectivo y colaboran en la inclusión financiera.
Transaction and Financial Systems
Transactional systems allow transactions of different channels and services such as ATMs, POS, IVRs, internet, etc. to be processed. They give support to financial, collection, product sales and gaming services, among others.
Audit Mgt., Fraud and Asset Laundering Prevention Systems
These enable an organization to manage, control and monitor each of these aspects proactively in-house. These products are specialized tools, generating information that is useful for the organization and easy to manage.
Administrative, Accounting and Billing Systems
Software for the company’s Administration and Finance areas. These are tools that aid with their administration and overall management.
HR, Access Control and Attendance Systems
Systems for the company’s Human Resources and Security areas. All together, they comprise a total solution for the administration, management and control of the organization’s own resources and of visitors.
Monitoring Systems
Systems with the main function of monitoring different types of equipment, processes, business rules, or anything else that can be measured or controlled. They contain interfaces that help users to interpret large amounts of information in a user-friendly way.
Business Solutions
Among the solutions offered, the two most representative of issues common to different market segments are these products.
The work flow technology used allows the integration of the solutions installed in the organization with the horizontal business processes, protecting the investments made.