It's a product developed to accomplish control operations standards about active frauds and fight against terrorism, alligned with international standards about these problems, based on national and international publications, and several sources of different proceed, every one of them publicated and reliable.
- It prevents potencial risks with current or future client's operations.
- It reduces the possibility of making operations with persons or enterprises which are informed in lists.
- It's alligned with Pep's international definition standards.
- It provides permanent upgrades and informs the users automatically the changes on the processed lists (dozens of international lists).
- Pep´s upgrades through our own analyzers equipment, which complements daily the exposed persons list.
- In addition, lists are completed with data provided by enterprises specialized in commercial reports, with people's financial and legal data
- Name control through phonetic application.
- It uses algorithms to control word similitude in the search.
- Elimination of common words (Mr. Ave. Sr. Etc.)