Participación en la 1era Comunidad de BI (inteligencia de negocios) para el mercado Local y Regional

SYSASAP Perú lanza nuevos servicios de consultoría BI, analítica e inteligencia de negocios para el mercado local en Perú: auspiciando un desayuno de trabajo llamado: “Dashboard in a day”.

Participación en la 1era Comunidad de BI (inteligencia de negocios) para el mercado Local y Regional

SNET - Switch Transaccional NonStop

This is a complete Transaction Switch designed natively for HP Nonstop, using all the features that these possess

SNET - Switch Transaccional NonStop

Strategic alliance with FIME®

We are pleased that Sysasap has developed a strategic alliance with the international firm FIME®. This alliance will allow us to work collaboratively in the South American market, adding to our value proposition, products and services for this important multinational.

Strategic alliance with FIME®

Certification under ISO 9001:2000

We begin the 4th year with ISO 9001 certificate, certifying us OHSAS 18001:2007
Our quality certification according to ISO 9001:2000, initially obtained in February 2009 and updated in January 2010 to ISO 9001:2008, has been now re-certified. In addition to this, we have re-certified Environmental Management according to ISO 14001:2004 and integrated the OHSAS 18001:2007 certificate to our management system.

Certification under ISO 9001:2000

SYSASAP de Uruguay se adjudica el Proyecto de Facturación Electrónica con BSE.


SYSASAP opens offices in Uruguay


ISO 14001 Certification